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GENERAL FACULTY/ II, III year (4,5 semester) 2023-2024 (2024-2025)/"Topographic anatomy and operative surgery" (for english-speaking students)
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Кафедра оперативной хирургии и топографической анатомии
Для обучающихся по специальности "Лечебное дело"
GF II,III-23,24,25 (e-s)
Fixation attendance at classes
Seminar-type classes 50 G
Поиск по форумам
Seminar-type classes 50 G
Это форум «Вопрос-Ответ». Для того, чтобы увидеть ответы других участников на поставленный вопрос, Вам необходимо разместить свой ответ
Добавить новый вопрос
(В форуме пока нет ни одного вопроса)
◄ Seminar-type classes 49 G
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Synchronous interaction with students
Videos on basic surgical skills and operating techniques
The procedure of intermediate sertification of students
Assesment tools for intermediate sertification
The schedule for working out current debts for english-speaking students
Thematic plan of lecture-type classes
Schedule of lecture-type classes
Seminar-type classes 4 semester
Seminar-type classes 5 semester
Thematic plan of the seminar-type classes
Schedule of the seminar-type classes
List of requirements for providing independent work for students
Instruction for independent work of student
Thematic plan of the individual work of students
Completed independent work for the 4 semester
Comleted indipendent work for the 5 semester
Seminar-type classes 45 G
Seminar-type classes 46 G
Seminar-type classes 47 G
Seminar-type classes 48 G
Seminar-type classes 49 G
Individual consultations and working off missed classes of Bariniva Ekaterina A.
Individual consultations and working off missed classes of Mazunov Anton S.
Individual consultations and working off missed classes of Pisareva Elena E.
Individual consultations and working off missed classes of Chulkov Oleg D.
Individual consultations and working off missed classes of Bariniva Ekaterina A. ►
GF II,III-23,24,25 (e-s)
Intermediate certification
Lecture-type classes
Seminar-type classes
Independent work of the student
Test control
Fixation attendance at classes
Individual consultations and working off missed classes
Satisfaction of quality
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